Cara Vermaak

Chakra Meditation


Chakra meditation involves concentrating on energy centres, called chakras, which are found in the astral (subtle-physical) body. These energy centres are located along a non-physical energy tube called the sushumna. The sushumna in the astral body corresponds to the spinal column in the physical body, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the 'third eye', between the eyebrows and a little above. Seven primary chakras are found at different points along the sushumna.

Kundalini, also called chi, prana, or raw energy, sits at the base of the spine in the first chakra. During chakra meditation, the kundalini energy is pulled from the first chakra up through the sushumna to the third eye in the area of the forehead where the sushumna ends.

In very advanced meditation practice, when a great deal of energy is generated and held in the third eye, the energy can "jump" from the third eye to the seventh chakra. The seventh chakra is the "crown" chakra or the "thousand petaled lotus of light." When the energy "jumps" to the crown chakra, a state called Samadhi occurs, in which one is merged with the worlds of light.

When a practitioner enters into Samadhi, he or she has entered into the first stages of Enlightenment. Entering into Samadhi repeatedly will eventually lead a practitioner to a state of complete awareness, in which that person has actually become one with Enlightenment itself.

In chakra meditation, we focus on three of the seven primary energy centres. By "focus", we mean that we place our attention on the areas of the body that correspond with each chakra, one at a time. We concentrate on the energy centre, thereby activating it and releasing its energy. Sometimes it is helpful to place your fingers gently on each centre as you meditate to help you feel where they are. Eventually, you will naturally feel the energy centres in your body.

Finally, we focus on the sixth chakra, the "third eye". This chakra is in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and slightly above them. This is the centre for wisdom and psychic seeing.

We then move to the fourth chakra, the "heart" centre. This centre is in the middle of the chest in the general area of the heart. By meditating here, you get the benefits of both the fourth and fifth chakras. This is the centre for balance and happiness

We start with the third chakra, the "navel" or "power" centre, which is approximately one inch below the navel. By meditating here, the first three centres are activated and great power is released into your being. This energy gives you the ability to accomplish physical things. This is the centre for willpower and strength.

It is generally a good idea to spend an equal amount of time on each chakra. If you meditate for 15 minutes, spend five minutes focusing on each chakra. Likewise, if you meditate for an hour, spend 20 minutes concentrating on each centre. By practicing chakra meditation in this way, you will bring power, balance and wisdom into your life.


Chakra Guardian Meditation


Meet the aspects and elements of your inner self.

A meditation process for meeting your chakras as beings or as the Guardian animal that is most realised in each one.

Then you can have conversations in meditation circles with them to find ways to meet your needs and understand and harmonise your life energies.

This will give you a more direct way of clearing and balancing your chakras and achieving and maintaining a healthy energy system.

If you do not get an impression from a chakra after a few minutes move on to the next one.

It may be unusual to meet all the chakra beings in one session though it can happen.

Some chakras may have two beings or more for the front and back aspects and other parts of themselves.

The kind of animal you might meet varies greatly. It could be a swan, bear, snake, temple dancer, elk, lion, angel, - anything!

First, relax completely and visualise waves of relaxation sweeping through your body.

Use the method of deep relaxation and spiritual centring that works best for you.
When you are completely relaxed, bring your attention to your Root Chakra at your tailbone.

Ask that chakra to reveal itself as the guardian totem animal that is most representative of it at this time.

Be open to receive impressions. When you get an impression, greet the being and thank them for coming into your awareness and their work on your behalf. Ask them what they need from you and ask what gift or information they have for you now - allowing time for the answers to come. When you have finished meeting your root chakra animal, thank them.

Move your focus to the Sacral Chakra, below your naval and repeat the process and continue with each of the seven chakras until you have gone to all the main Chakras and met `Them`.

If you do not meet them all that is all right for now.
You can then invite the guardian totem animals into a Circle to discuss the needs and concerns you have.

Ask each animal what you need to do to get your chakra into the healthiest condition and ask him or her to help you do this.

Pay close attention to the relationships between the different chakra animals and ask what is needed to help and harmonise their working together.

Some people find that not all their parts are talking to each other for instance.
When you are done, dissolve the circle, thank the beings, and centre yourself, returning to your oneness.

This is just the beginning of working with the Chakra guardians and beings.
The possibilities are endless. Your chakra animals change and evolve over time. You may hear from those at minor chakra centres and from the emerging transpersonal centres like the etheric heart at the thymus (compassion). And the soul star and earthstar too that need your attention and love as well.

It can be pretty extraordinary and revealing to see how the different chakras have a voice, a personality, and a presence all of their own which are all part of you.


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