Cara Vermaak


Is Love

Introduction to Reiki

Reiki (ray-kee) is an ancient rediscovered natural healing technique involving the placement of hands onto the body in order to channel energy. Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve health and enhance the quality of life. It can be defined as "spiritually guided life force energy". The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and is connected directly to quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. The existence of this "life force energy" has been verified by kirlian photography. Kirlian photography is a technique that allows the etheric energy patterns around living things to be photographed it was pioneered by Semyon Kirlian, a Russian researcher in the 1940's.

Reiki is an amazingly simple technique to learn. It does not take years of practice, it is simply passed on through a series of attunements from a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone. The Master/Teacher "fines tunes" the individual's own abilities to channel universal life force energy much the same as turning a radio from am to fm.

The Reiki energy is perceived as heat or sensation that comes from the channel's hands. It is gentle and stimulates the body's own innate wisdom to cure at the cause of the problem, promoting a holistic balancing of body, mind and spirit.

The Principles

The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings.
The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses,
For today do not anger, do not worry.
Be grateful and
Do your work with appreceation.
Be kind to all living things.


In the morning and in the night,with hands held in prayer, chant this with your mouth.

Reiki Principles

1) Just for today, I will not worry:

Remember that there is a divine and universal purpose in everything. Being in tune with our higher selves and living each day to the best of our ability is all that can be asked of anyone. To worry about the past or the future is futile. Worrying results from illogical and irrational thought which creates limitations and separation from Universal consciousness.

2) Just for today, I will not anger:

Anger results from a desire to control, resulting from feeling out of control, or out of synchrony with our life's purpose. Every situation is a mirror, a direct reflection of cause and effect created by ourselves. Those who cause anger in us - who happen to stimulate our weak points or strike a nerve - are teaching us a lesson about ourselves. Do not, however, feel guilty about experiencing anger, it is better to transform the energy rather than bottle it up and cause disease. We should feel gratitude for having the opportunity to witness our weak points, which will result in growth.

3) Just for today, I will honour my parents, teachers and elders:

Rather outmoded sentiments today, which is a pity. The Japanese always respect their parents, teachers and elders for their wisdom and show gratitude. They feel thankful for what they have received and trust it will always be provided.

4) Just for today, I will do my work honestly:

It is very important to be honest with ourselves and to face the truth in all things. To live in truth is the simplest way to live - it brings clarity and alignment with our higher-self's purpose. If we are honest with ourselves, then we project honesty to others, it then becomes easier to "do unto others as you would have others do unto you.".

5) Just for today, I will show gratitude for every living thing:

All living things are from the same source, and it is clear that all forms of life are dependent on each other to survive. We must not try to control nature but harmonise with nature and show love and respect for all life forms.

My dear friend, don't entertain doubts unnecessarily. Let your rallying cry be "Caizo!", a Nigerian word which means "Forward!" heart, soul and body, totally, completely, with no looking back.

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