Cara Vermaak


Colour Healing


Colour Healing is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy for us all - adults, children, babies and animals. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of colour and it can transform our lives.


Colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow without reason. Nature and its colours are not simply here by chance, everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception.


The use of Colour as a Therapy is a truly holistic, non-invasive and powerful therapy, which dates back thousands of years; evidence of this can be found in ancient texts from India, China and Egypt.


Colour is simply light of varying wavelengths and, as such, is a form of energy that is used in Colour Therapy.


This light energy affects all living cells, as we all know, without light, all living things are affected. Used in the right way, these different frequencies of light, i.e. colour, can have a profound and healing effect on all creation, human or otherwise. It is a well-known scientific fact that everything has a vibration that is to say that all things have their own vibration/frequency, and that includes humans.


Colour Therapy can be used for any problem whether, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual for specific problems as well as an over all relaxation therapy. Colour Therapy can be used safely and effectively - either alone or alongside any other therapy, whether complementary or orthodox medicine - for adults, children, babies and animals alike. However, no complementary therapy should ever be considered as an alternative to orthodox medical advice.


  • Colour energy can be the catalyst for our healing process and encourages normal and healthy workings of the body.
  • Colour Therapy should not be something you just go to a therapist to 'have done to you'.
  • Colour is everywhere and should be utilized as part of our everyday life. A professional Colour Therapist can explain and advise you on how you can use colour at home for health and wellbeing.
  • Colour is simply light of different wavelengths, and each colour has its own specific wavelength and vibration. These wavelengths resonate with energies in different areas of the body.


As we absorb colour energy not only through the eyes but also through the skin and the electro magnetic field or aura, Colour Therapy can be used on the body in a number of different ways.


As with any therapy, each therapist may have his or her own method, however, a number of common methods used are:


  • The placing of colour silks on the body
  • The directing of coloured light on to the body.
  • Solarised water
  • Meditation with colour
  • Colour breathing
  • Candles


Your colour preferences can tell a professional Colour Therapist a good deal about you.

Colour choices can indicate where there may be an imbalance of colour, which can highlight a potential problem; whether emotional, physical, mental or spiritual and gives indications of personality issues, which may need to be addressed.


The emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects make up the whole person and really one cannot be isolated from the other.


A Professionally qualified Colour Therapy practitioner will help you to understand your Colour preferences, and indeed your need for a certain colour or colours.


Summarising the Properties of Colour


Red signifies the choleric temperament. Red is generally taken to be the colour of life, of the glowing sun and of fire. Love and joy, rage and anger are the polar values of the colour red. Red is the colour of energy, vitality and power.


Red is said to make the blood boil, to increase the pulse rate, to raise the blood pressure and the rate of breathing. Red is also the colour of desire. The sexual urge, the impulses and general vigour of individuals are attributed to the colour red.


Red generally supports the circulatory functions and is applied with success to combat anaemia, asthma, and diseases of the larynx, certain skin diseases and chronic coughs. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc.; it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression.


Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive.


It is associated with the male polarity.


A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!

Orange is the colour of cheerfulness and gaiety. Being a colour mixed from red and yellow, it stands for kind-heartedness and warm-heartedness of an individual. Orange symbolises the rising sun, it makes us alert and cheerful. It causes stimulation, warmth and happiness. Orange fills us with joy and cheerfulness. It affects both our bodies and our minds.


Astonishing results may be obtained in using the colour orange to treat mental illness, depressions, discontent and pessimism. Naturopaths apply orange for the treatment of arteriosclerosis, sclerenecephaly cardio, sclerosis, loss of appetite, anaemia, and anorexia.


The mental body in both its logical and conceptual form. It is used to increase immunity, to increase sexual potency, to help in all digestive ailments, chest and kidney diseases.


Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly. Orange, like red should not be used for too long. It is not a good colour for nervous people or people easily agitated.




The peach frequency is used for peace, truth, and balance

The colour yellow represents the sanguine temperament. Yellow is the symbol of the sun at the zenith. Yellow is the brightest of all colours. In the psychology of colours, yellow stands for detached serenity. Yellow reflects light in all directions, thereby creating an impression of detachment and liberation; it cancels out any feeling of heaviness or oppression.


The colour yellow drives us forward towards new, modern frontiers, and that it is therefore future oriented. In naturopathy, yellow is applied to combat glandular diseases and diseases of the lymphatic system, and to strengthen the nervous system. Yellow greatly assists metabolism, glandular activity and improves secretion of the stomach. To help cure dermatitis and other skin problems and again it must be used carefully because it is very stimulating and it could cause exhaustion and depression.


Yellow is the colour of intellect and it is used for mental stimulation; it will help you think quicker. It is good for clearing a foggy head.

The colour green represents the placid temperament. It has a harmonizing effect. Green does not make us quiet, but calms us in a neutral, positive sense. Green is the colour of possession and of the will to possess. Green is the colour of possession and should increase the feelings of security and in particular of self-confidence.


Green is also considered the colour of concentration. It stands for exact examination, precise analysis, and systematic logic and for recording and remembering.


Among other things, the colour green is applied for the naturopathic treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough, inflammations of the joints, and swellings. In addition, green has a positive influence on the treatments of cysts, eye diseases and diabetes, generally promoting the secretion processes. Green promotes relaxation of the organs and stimulates general detoxification of the body.


Green is the colour of healing and travelling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing colour because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones – re-growth of tissue of all kinds.


Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiralling energies of DNA. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill. Though many of you are not attuned in the palms of your hands with this frequency colour - it is part of you.

Blue is the colour of peace and infinity. It represents the melancholic temperament. Blue profoundly calms and relaxes us. Our bodies and minds are conveyed to a state of peace, repose and softness. The relaxing and tranquilizing property of blue is applied for relieving headaches and migraines, the pains of stomach and muscle cramps. As a rule, the colour blue can be said to have a very positive effect on all kinds of pain conditions.


Blue is the colour of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white back to source.


Blue is the colour of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns.


Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.




Purple is a colour that will connect you with your spiritual self. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones.


Too much purple and you do not tend to live in this world.




Lavender is the colour of equilibrium, it helps with spiritual healing. The Violet Flame - is supposedly charged with the light of divine freedom. It is used to burn off karma from other lifetimes on all levels.



White includes the entire colours spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level.




Silver is the colour of peace and persistence. It is the major purging colour so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body. It is best for cancer of tissue and blood.




Gold represents of alchemy of consciousness. It is the strongest colour to help cure all illness. It is so strong that many people are not able to tolerate it, so people have to be conditioned to gold over a period. Gold strengthens all fields of the body and spirit.

Violet is the combination of the choleric-impulsive and the melancholic-tender nature. Violet is the colour of the emotions and is considered a meditative colour. Violet can lead to profound liberation of the mind. Intuition and imagination are enhanced. Violet is the colour regulator at the interface between the mind and the body. In colour therapy in particular in colour acupuncture, violet is applied for treating the lymphatic system and the spleen.

The six basic colours are divided into three hot and three cool, hot being the colours, which arouse and give stimulation and cool being the colours, which cool down and sedate. Colour Point Therapy uses these complimentary properties of the colours to balance the body and help it to heal. By testing pairs of points in one body system, the more sensitive point is found and then given the cool colour to sedate, the other is given the hot colour to tone.


Colour Healing Using Candles

Lighting coloured candles that coordinate with what you need. For example:

  • If you want to gain knowledge, light a yellow candle.
  • Light a pink candle to send love.
  • Blue to resolve a spiritual problem.
  • Lavender is good for healing.
  • Silver is good for protection.

Color Healing Using Lamp Radiation

Use a lamp and coloured light bulbs. Bask in the light as you watch TV - meditate - or whatever you are doing. To gain more energy while reading--use an orange light. Green lights are good to use when healing. Blue or violet are great for spiritual work.

Colour Water Healing - Sun's Energies

Place the colour gels in clear water. Cover it and place it in the sun. The sun will go through the colour gel into the water and energize it with the sun's energy and that of the particular gel. You can drink this water.


The sun's rays have been known to have magical healing qualities. These rays passed through a spectrum, will give you colours that have very good healing qualities illnesses and injuries. It can be used in the form of passing sunlight through panes of colour glass or filters.



Colour Breathing

See the colours enter your body with each breath. Select the colour you need and see it enter and go to that chakra.



Colour Visualization

Visualize yourself bathed in the colours you choose to resonate with. It can be a light that surrounds and enters your body. However, you see it healing you.



Radiant Colour Magnetism

You can channel colour through your hands for healing purposes. You can do it on yourself or on another. You can use it on animals or plants.



Colour Healing and the Rays

One of the most powerful ways of doing colour healing is by calling forth one of the Twelve Rays.


First ray - Red
Second ray - Orange
Third ray - Yellow
Fourth ray - Emerald Green
Fifth ray - Blue
Sixth ray - Indigo
Seventh ray - Violet
Eighth ray - Sea foam Green / Violet luminosity
Ninth ray - Blue-Green
Tenth ray - Pearlescence
Eleventh ray - Orange / Pink luminosity
Twelfth ray - Gold


Colour Healing - Clothing

The colours you wear affect your mood and that of those around you. You may be drawn to wear a certain colour on a particular day. It usually means that one of your sheath bodies needs the colour.


Think about the colours that you choose to wear each day. Look at your colours for today. This was probably selected on a subconscious level. See how it applies to your activities of today! Just what is it that you were seeking today?


Colour Healing and Your Surroundings

The colour of your surroundings, at home, work, in your car, can determine your mood. Selecting the correct colour for your bedroom can help you sleep better.



Colours and the Food You Eat


Eating food of certain colours can actually balance your energies. This is true of the liquids you drink.



Astrology and Colour Healing


Aquarius - Blue with Silver Lights
Pisces - Soft Azure

Aries - Red
Taurus -Yellow
Gemini - Violet
Cancer - Green
Leo - Gold
Virgo - Purple
Libra - Yellow
Scorpio - Crimson Red
Sagittarius - Deep Clear Blue
Capricorn - Black and White


The Planets and Colour Healing


Sun - Gold, Bright Yellow
Moon - Silver
Mercury -Yellow, orange
Venus - Blue, Blue-Green
Earth – Lavender & Blue
Mars - Red
Jupiter - Purple, Violet
Saturn - Olive Green
Uranus - Electric Blue, Pale Green, Citrine
Neptune - Dark Blue, Indigo, Greys, Green
Pluto - Yellow, Pale Green, Navy Blue





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