David Bernier - Albany New York State USA
Dear Cara
Your powers of healing have carried me through the most difficult part of my life since 1999, the day you first laid a hand on me, I was destined to die, there was no hope for me. The different cancers, diabetes, continous illnesses being the result of Agent Orange which I was exposed to in Vietnam has crippled me. I thank father Sky and mother Earth I found you and your healing powers. I thank the universe for the love with which you touch me daily. I live because of you and your precious love. – David
Pravin Naidoo - Laudium Pretoria South Africa
Hello Cara
It has now been 9 years that you have started your work on me as you know my problem is an embarrassing one and I know you will be placing this on your website and maybe even your next book.
With my erectile dysfunction since childhood I was devastated when according to my religion our families had arranged a marriage. My new wife was going to be very disappointed as I have never been able to have an erection. I did see numerous doctors had as many tests done with no exact answers. I gave up until Beth told me to contact you.
I was sceptical but desperate and finally did contact you. Well as you know from the very first treatment there was reaction, not really much improvement but definitely a reaction. The weekly treatments did result in slight erections at the beginning which gave me hope. By the time I got married 14 months later I could manage an erection for almost 8 minutes.
Today 9 years later I have two sons and a daughter, I have almost no dysfunction and my wife does not know I once had such a terrible secret.
You say I no longer need you or your powers with Reiki but I know I do, even if it is only once a month, you give me the courage to look forward to a better future. Namaste! Pravin
Johan Bester - Benoni Gauteng
Wat se 'n mens vir iemand wat jou lewe gered het terwyl jy geweet het dit is onmoontlik. Cara, ek het nie woorde nie, die pyn is weg, die hel waardeur ek daagliks vir meer as 8 jaar gegaan het is binne maande genees. Ek sal nooit weer twyfel aan die "powers" nie, jy is bewys genoeg dat daar wel engele om ons is wat ons vashou en meer nog engele wat deur 'n besonderse mens soos jy genees. God dank ek het uit moedeloosheid by jou uitgekom. Seenwense dierbare mens. - Johan Bester
Annamarie Vosloo - Daspoort Pretoria
Liewe Cara ek was so bang om na jou toe te kom. toe my dokter dit voorstel het ek gedink hy is mal. Die eerste sessie was ek nie net bang nie ek was seker God gaan my straf en dat wat jy doen uit die bose is maar nou weet ek God werk in baie maniere en baie verkillende maniere om mense sy grootheid te wys. Ek dank God vir jou en Doc Murray. ek is nou al 3 jaar vry van kanker. Annamarie Vosloo
Dalia Combrink - Northcliff Johannesburg
My lovely Cara it is with pleasure that I write this testimonial for your website, it is time I tell my story. At the age of 15 I was gang raped, my life ended as I knew it and as I was planning it to happen. My father a man with insight forced me to see Cara. I was on the road to nowhere I had to die and I had to do it soon I had no care to live one more day on this earth. and then I was touched with love by Cara, my sweet darling angel, she embraced me in silence, she did not speak at all for almost 6 months of treatments, just touched me and loved me so gently I wanted to live. I cannot describe the wonder of the love I felt from Cara she touched me in my deepest soul I have never felt so loved and honoured in all my life. This is what she calls pure love and she gave it to me. I live for this love. Thank you for giving me back so much more than I lost if I had not been raped and almost killed myself I would never have known pure love. Dalia Combrinck